Our Approach

We understand communities and project needs

Our community-first engagement spans every phase, from initial planning to design and delivery. Our approach ensures we understand community values and collaboratively shape infrastructure to align with them.

Our methods include:

  • Consultations and workshops to gather insights early
  • Face-to-face community outreach to reach people where they are
  • Data analysis to identify community needs
  • Large-scale engagement activities to promote projects and build participation
  • Ongoing everyday engagement to share information and respond to needs
  • Effective communications to convey key messages at the right time

Our approach results in great outcomes

Community views are heard

  • We apply proven engagement principles to ensure that the voices of stakeholders and community members are heard by project teams early and throughout the process.

Ongoing collaboration

  • We foster collaborative relationships and active dialogue between project teams, stakeholders and local communities.

Risks mitigated

  • Our engagement expertise and approach helps identify issues early to develop solutions that minimise project risks.

Enhanced design

  • Community input we gather directly shapes project approach, designs and outcomes to best meet local needs.

Minimised disruption

  • We work tirelessly to reduce negative impacts and disruption for affected residents and stakeholders.

Creative activation

  • We drive innovative initiatives that bring vibrancy and give communities a sense of ownership.

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